i-Ready Learning Magnetic Reading Foundations (grades K-2) is a supplemental program for phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency. This program was reviewed and is recommended supplemental but only for grades K-2 and only in phonological awareness and phonics. This program is not recommended to supplement fluency due to not meeting the SB 127 fluency requirements. To see the completed checklist and score, please visit here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hfhfiNbAxZyBNWc-bPe_I-ezFm1_wQih/view?usp=share_link Note: Organization of this program makes it difficult to understand the sequence of resources and could be reorganized into a teaching manual to make it more user friendly.
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
1.1 Materials facilitate understanding that sentences can be broken into words and compound words can be broken into separate words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
1.2 Instruction follows an explicit learning progression to develop phonological awareness (for example, word boundaries, syllables, rhyming, onset-rime, phoneme categorization, blending, segmenting, and manipulation) using multiple models. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.3 Following teacher models, provides multiple opportunities for students to respond orally. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.4 Students use cognitive manipulation of sounds overtly by using auditory cues or manipulatives that signal movement of one sound to the next. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.5 Instruction focuses on no more than two phonological awareness skills at a time. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.6 Incorporates opportunities for students to enjoy and recite rhyming words or alliterative phrases in familiar storybooks or nursery rhymes. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.7 Instruction focuses on segmenting and blending syllables and phonemes and blending onset and rime. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.8 Responses to instruction includes active engagement strategies like counting, tapping, blending, and segmenting a word into syllables. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.9 Instruction includes deleting half of a compound word to make a new word. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.10 Instruction includes deleting a syllable of a given word and saying the remaining syllable. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
1.11 Phonemic awareness instruction follows a learning progression—for example, phoneme isolation (initial, final, and medial sounds), blending, segmentation, and phoneme manipulation. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.12 Graphemes (letters) are integrated with phonemic awareness instruction to support alphabetics and phonics instruction within the first month of instruction. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.13 Integrates letter-sound instruction with phonological awareness/phonemic awareness within the first month of instruction. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.14 Instruction includes identification, isolation, and categorization of initial phonemes (sounds) in words, then final and medial sounds. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.15 Instruction prioritizes segmenting and blending two and three phoneme words, including words that have simple syllables (e.g., VC, CVC). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.16 Progresses from identifying or distinguishing the positions of sounds in words to producing the sound and adding, deleting, and changing selected sounds. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.17 Instruction includes blending and segmenting three and four phoneme words in single syllable word patterns (e.g., CVCe, CCVC, CVCC, CVVC, CVr). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.18 Instruction includes manipulating (deleting, adding, and substituting) phonemes from a word to build new single syllable words (e.g., word chaining). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.19 Instruction includes deleting initial and final sounds in a word to make a new word, including blends. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
1.20 Introduces high-frequency letter sounds early in the instructional sequence (e.g., /m/, /s/, /a/, /r/, /t/) instead of low-frequency letter sounds (e.g., /x/, /y/, /z/). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.21 Materials provide explicit opportunities for students to recognize, name, associate a sound with symbol, discriminate from other letters in print, categorize (upper/lower), and write letters. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.22 Includes a few short vowels early in the sequence so that students can use letter-sound knowledge to segment and blend words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.23 Explicitly models the introduction of a new sound, name, and symbol prior to student practice and assessment. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.24 Incorporates frequent and cumulative review of taught letter sounds and names to automaticity. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.25 Models instructional routines and processes with each skill (e.g., letter-sound correspondences, blending, reading whole words, high-frequency words). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.26 Provides explicit strategy for blending and segmenting sounds of letters to read and write words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.27 Lessons provide multiple opportunities for students to blend and read words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.28 Supports brisk pacing to maximize guided practice items in word lists and daily reading of short, decodable connected text for students to develop automaticity. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.29 Materials support instruction that teaching how to segment letters to write/spell. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.30 Materials support instruction that teaching how to write/spell and decode common sound-spelling patterns of English in an explicit, sequential fashion (for example, CV, CVC words containing digraphs, trigraphs, vowel teams, r-controlled vowels). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.31 Materials support instruction that progresses from simple to more complex sound–spelling patterns and word analysis skills (for example, CVC words before CVCC, CCVC CVVC, and CVe words in single syllable words before multisyllabic words). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.32 Materials support instruction that teaches students how to decode multisyllabic words by looking for pronounceable word parts within them (for example, compound words and syllables). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.33 Materials provide instruction in simple, frequently used prefixes and suffixes, including inflected endings and contractions. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.34 Materials provide sufficient amount of practice in decoding words in isolation and in decodable text to allow practice of phonic skills. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.35 Materials include instruction to provide opportunities for students to read both regular and irregular high frequency words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.36 Materials introduce students to non-decodable words essential to the meaning of a passage as whole words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.37 Provides ample practice and review of words and contextual reading and writing to develop automaticity. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.38 Incorporates and integrates spelling to reinforce phonics and word analysis. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.39 Uses explicit instruction to provide strategies to read multisyllabic words by using prefixes, suffixes, Greek and Latin roots, syllabication patterns, and known word parts. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.40 Uses explicit instruction and provides opportunity to process larger, highly frequent spelling/orthographic patterns (e.g., -ight, -ing) to increase fluency in word recognition. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
1.41 Offers repeated opportunities for students to read and spell words in contexts where they can apply their advanced phonics skills with a high level of success. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
2.1 Materials provide teachers opportunities to model fluent reading and to scaffold and give feedback as students read orally in order to foster accurate and fluent word identification. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.2 Texts for each grade band align with complexity requirements and instructional goals. Text Complexity Grade Band and Lexile Level- K-1: N/A 2-3: 450-790 4-5: 770-980 | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.3 Materials provide texts that support frequent review of previously taught concepts and words, extended practice, and independent application of phonics skills. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.4 Materials included sufficient number of texts that allow students to read a variety of texts daily with and without feedback to support accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.5 Materials include texts for students to learn and practice self-monitoring as they read and to self-correct reading errors when they occur. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.6 Materials provide a balance of texts and instructional time for literary and informational texts. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.7 Once students are able to read independently, materials provide additional text for regular independent reading that appeals to students’ interests to develop both knowledge and love of reading. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.8 Texts provide opportunities to build knowledge through reading specific informational and narrative text. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.9 Materials cultivate students’ abilities to ask and answer questions based on the text. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.10 Materials use scaffolding and stimulating questions to engage students in high-quality discussions. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.11 Scaffolds decoding skills at the word level, moving to the phrase/sentence level, and culminating in connected text. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.12 Introduces fluency practice (e.g., repeated reading) after students read words from the passage accurately. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.13 Uses initial stories and text composed of a high percentage of regular words and pretaught irregular words, including the use of an instructional routine for teaching irregular words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
2.14 Materials build toward established accuracy and rate goals (e.g., WCPM, expression). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
3.1 Materials include opportunities to practice writing words introduced in reading instruction and use them to write a response to what students have read. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
3.2 Materials are designed with activities for students to write about what they have read in both literary and informational text (e.g., summaries, reactions, analysis or interpretation of text, notes, ask/answer questions). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
3.3 Materials include opportunities and prompts for students to write opinion, information/explanation, or narratives in response to texts. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
3.4 Materials include extensive practice with short, focused research projects that allow students to have multiple experiences with the research process throughout the year and facilitate development of the ability to conduct research independently. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
3.5 Materials include activities that require students to analyze and synthesize text sources and present the analysis using well-defended claims and clear information. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
3.6 Materials provide instruction in different text structures (e.g., sequence, comparison, contrast, cause/effect) and place a focus on argument and informative writing based on these text structures. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
3.7 Materials include activities that provide opportunities to write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (single sitting or day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
4.1 Materials include opportunities to continue to build oral language and listening skills as students develop the ability to read independently (e.g., exposure to fiction and informational text read aloud, discussions to compare/contrast, analyzing and synthesizing information in response to text read aloud, paraphrase, summarize) | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.2 Materials use multimedia and technology to support and engage students in understanding and verbally expressing details and themes in the text. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.3 Materials include activities to engage students in conversations that support comprehension of inferential and narrative language and word knowledge using narrative and informational text. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.4 Materials provide the opportunity to explicitly teach words or grammatical rules that support content that students are reading or learning. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.5 Materials provide the opportunity to explicitly teach vocabulary by making connections between a new word and other known words, by relating the word to their own experiences, differentiating between correct and incorrect uses of the word, and by generating and answering questions that include the word. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.6 Materials include activities for students to acquire and use grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or state of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife, conservation, and endangered when discussing animal preservation). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.7 Materials include instruction for students to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on grade-appropriate reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.8 Materials include instruction for students to understand word relationships and nuances in word meanings (shades of meaning). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.9 Materials select words that are highly useful for passage understanding and later learning. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.10 Materials provide multiple exposures of different types to support vocabulary acquisition. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.11 Materials engage students in processing word meanings at a deeper level (e.g., associating new words with known words). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.12 Materials review previously introduced words cumulatively. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.13 Materials incorporate exposure to a broad and diverse vocabulary through listening to and reading a wide range of narrative and informational texts. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.14 Materials extend the understanding of concepts and vocabulary through explicitly teaching antonyms and synonyms, using individual words in compound words to predict meaning, using prefixes and suffixes to assist in word meaning, and learning simple multiple meaning words. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
4.15 Materials support an explicit teaching strategy for deriving word meanings based on prefixes, suffixes, and roots. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
Item | 3 - Extensive | 2 - Adequate | 1 - Inadequate | 0 - None | ||
5.1 The text and text complexity are appropriate for the skills of the students based on their current instructional needs. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.2 Materials provide students extensive opportunities to encounter and comprehend grade-level text. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.3 Materials incorporate texts that require careful and purposeful reading and re-reading. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.4 Specific texts are included in materials for teaching various text structures (e.g., sequence, comparison, contract, cause/effect) to support comprehension and careful reading of narrative and informational text. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.5 Materials contain questions and tasks that require students to use text-based evidence (including making inferences). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.6 Material cultivates student engagement in reading text carefully. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.7 Texts provide opportunity for students to build knowledge through reading and extended discussion. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.8 Materials include questions and tasks that require students to analyze information and evidence focused on the meaning of texts. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.9 Materials support instruction that provides opportunities for students to identify and describe or explain ideas for narrative (e.g., main idea, theme) and informational texts (e.g., connections between ideas and concepts) in a progressively more complex manner. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.10 Materials support instruction that provides opportunities for students to use text features to gain meaning from narrative text (e.g., how chapters and scenes are used in types of literature) and information text (e.g., use of illustrations and graphs, structural elements). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.11 Materials support instruction that provides opportunities for students to understand and analyze various points of view for narrative (e.g., author, narrator, characters) and informational text (e.g., what the author wants to explain, multiple accounts of the same event) with increasing complexity). | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.12 Materials support instruction that provides opportunities for students to compare or analyze information within and across narrative text (e.g., compare two versions of the same story) and informational text (e.g., identify similarities between two texts on the same topic) with increasing complexity. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.13 Materials provide a sequence or series of texts that build knowledge and vocabulary systematically through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.14 Materials support instruction that provides background information when needed or activates prior knowledge to increase students’ understanding of what is to be read. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.15 Provides guided practice and systematic review of evidence-based comprehension skills and strategies. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
5.16 Cumulatively builds a repertoire of skills and strategies that are introduced, applied, and integrated with appropriate texts and for authentic purposes over the course of the year. | This item has not been graded. | |||||
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Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3204
Phone: 801.538.7807