Enrollment to this course is only intended for participants have have already completed and attended units 1-4 trainings. If you have not participated in the face-to-face trainings for units 1-4 please DO NOT ENROLL.
LETRS is a professional course of study that helps educators master the content and principles of effective reading, language, and literacy instruction. With its flexible blend of online and in-person coursework that includes video modeling and interactive activities, face-to
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Enrollment to this course is only intended for participants have have already completed and attended units 1-4 trainings. If you have not participated in the face-to-face trainings for units 1-4 please DO NOT ENROLL.
LETRS is a professional course of study that helps educators master the content and principles of effective reading, language, and literacy instruction. With its flexible blend of online and in-person coursework that includes video modeling and interactive activities, face-to-face workshops, print resources, and virtual support, this research-based course supports educators in their crucial role of changing reading outcomes that set students on a lifelong path to success. LETRS increases the quality, effectiveness, and consistency of literacy instruction within a classroom, school, district, and state. ONCE YOU ENROLL FOR A SECTION IN THIS COURSE, IT WILL BE ADDED TO YOUR CART. YOU MUST THEN CLICK ON YOUR CART AND CHECK OUT TO BE ENROLLED AND GET CREDIT FOR THIS COURSE.
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In order to complete your enrollment in a course and/or purchase
of a microcredential review, you need to check out.
If you do not check out now, you may not be able to do so later
if the section enrollment reaches maximum capacity or
if the registration closing date passes.