Teacher to Student Feedback
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Microcredential ID : 2660
0.5 USBE Credit


This microcredential represents the educator's ability to provide specific, immediate, and continual feedback to inform students of progress. Teacher to student feedback involves the teacher being willing and able to provide the students with critiques and information that will assist the student to improve upon their thought processes and take the next steps that will improve their academic growth. The teacher's role in teacher to student feedback is to provide information to the student through meaningful comments and examples that will provide them with opportunities to improve their educational growth.

No standards provided.
How To Earn This Microcredential

To earn this 0.5 credit microcredential you will submit two different types of evidence from the list below to demonstrate your proficiency in providing teacher to student feedback. You will also complete a short written or video reflective analysis. Click Earn This Microcredential to learn more!

A fee of $20.00 will be assessed once the microcredential is submitted for review.

Effective feedback to learners does not include general praise or grades. The following are non-examples of effective feedback: Teacher responding with: “This is incorrect. Who else has a solution?” “That is correct.” (No follow up as to WHY something is correct or well done, etc.) Feedback is general and limited to things like, “Good!” “Great!” etc. Teacher does not correct work and only looks to see if it was turned in. Teacher provides no corrective or encouraging feedback. Teacher simply gives a check or check minus for complete or incomplete assignments.

Important Terms

Specific, meaningful information given to a student that shows how their work is correct or incorrect.


A system or method that is in place showing the process of feedback to students.


Clearly recognized and assigned to one task.

Learning Intentions:

A statement, created by the teacher, that describes clearly what the teacher wants the students to know, understand, and be able to do as a result of learning and teaching activities. Clear learning intentions should help students focus not just on the task or activity taking place but on what they are learning.

Success Criteria:

Statements linked to learning intentions. They are developed by the teacher and/or the student and describe what success looks like. They help the teacher and student to make judgments about the quality of student learning

Background Scenario / How This Will Help You

Imagine you’ve spent hours reading through student writing samples. You’ve made notes on every paper such as, “Good Job!”, “Great Work!” or you’ve made a checkmark or smiley face. You feel that you have provided good feedback that will help the students improve upon their work. You return the papers to the students, give them time to revise, only to discover their changes were minimal and confusing. You ask yourself, "What went wrong?" "Why didn’t the students apply the feedback I provided and improve their work?" You start by creating a systematic approach to use teacher feedback appropriately. You consider the following guidelines: • focus on what they understood or did not understand in the lesson • make sure to phrase things constructively to provide students with a specific area on which they did well or can improve • provide guidance and instruction to help them get to the final product • Use all types of teacher feedback ( such as thumbs up, thumbs down, fist of five, exit tickets, formal assessments) to guide future learning

Evidence Options
Be sure to submit the type and number of pieces of evidence specified below.
Category: Preparation and Planning

Select ONE of the evidence options below to demonstrate your preparation and planning for teacher to student feedback that supports learning.

Lesson Plan:

Submit two detailed lesson plans of your creation demonstrating your use of feedback to students to support their learning. Each lesson plan should include your use of learning intentions and success criteria; it should also include opportunities for students to use your feedback. In a separate section of the lesson plan, include citations for research supporting your instructional approach. (See the resources section for examples to cite.)

Unit Plan:

Submit a well developed unit plan of your creation demonstrating your use of feedback to students to support their learning. This unit plan should include learning intentions and success criteria aligned to each instructional segment; it should also include multiple opportunities for students to use your feedback. In a separate section of the unit plan, include citations for research supporting your instructional approach. (See the resources section for examples to cite.)

Category: Implementation

Select ONE of the evidence options below to demonstrate your effective implementation of teacher to student feedback that supports learning.


Record and submit a 5 - 10 minute video of your instruction demonstrating your process for delivering feedback which is specific, immediate, and continual. Additionally, this video should demonstrate how you support students in using your feedback. Be sure to follow your district/charter guidelines for student privacy.

Observation Results:

Submit one observation from a colleague or administrator that demonstrates your effective teacher-to-student feedback that is specific, immediate, and continual. Observation notes should also demonstrate how you support students in using your feedback.

Student Work:

Submit three samples of learner work on which students received feedback from you. Include work from both before and afterwards, as well as the actual feedback, to demonstrate the effect of your feedback. Be sure to follow your district/charter guidelines for student privacy.

Review Criteria

Criterion 1: Evidence demonstrates the educator provides feedback for students that is effective and actionable.

Criterion 2: Evidence demonstrates the educator consistently provides feedback for students.

Criterion 3: Evidence demonstrates the educator provides immediate feedback for students.

Reflection Prompts

Describe your process for providing specific, immediate, and actionable feedback.

Explain how your practice for providing feedback to students has improved student outcomes.

Reflect on an aspect of your current practice for providing feedback that could be made even stronger. What steps will you take, and what resources or supports will you need to access?

Review Criteria

Criterion 1: Reflection demonstrates the educator's process for providing feedback.

Criterion 2: Reflection demonstrates that feedback from teacher to student has improved student performance.

Criterion 3: Reflection demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and improvement.

15 Resources for Teaching Media Literacy. Masten, MacKenzie. ASCD. (2017).

ASCD has compiled a list of resources from media literacy experts providing thoughts, tools, and tips for teaching media literacy, evaluating media resources, and more.

Resource: Seven Keys to Effective Feedback (Educational Leadership, ASCD)

Feedback is defined, and seven keys are suggested for improving feedback in the classroom in order to improve student performance.

Providing Feedback (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (2005)

Key research findings support the use of using effective feedback in a classroom to improve student learning.

Tips for Grading and Giving Students Feedback (Edutopia)

An excerpt from "Tween Crayons and Curfews: Tips for Middle School Teachers." Advice on how to cut down on the stack of papers and assignments while still giving effective feedback to students.

5 Research-Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback

This article gives you the research behind feedback and the ways to effectively give feedback to your students.

Feedback: The First Secret John Hattie Revealed

This article gives you basic advice on how to give effective feedback to your students.

The Secret of Effective Feedback (ASDC)

An article about keeping the purpose of feedback in mind regarding teaching to student feedback.

Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Wo

Howard Pitler et al., Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works, 1st Edition, ASCD, Alexandria, VA, pp. 41-58, 2007. Different types of technology can be used to give effective feedback to students.

The Teacher's Craft: The 10 Essential Skills of Effective Teaching

Paul Chance, The Teacher's Craft: The 10 Essential Skills of Effective Teaching, Waveland Press, Inc., Long Grove, IL, pp. 69-78, 2008. Examples and definitions are explained about giving effective feedback to improve student learning.

Correcting Student Misconceptions (2.46 min)

Dennise Lebaron, a Davis District teacher, corrects student misconceptions by providing ongoing formative feedback that informs students of their progress.

Identifying and Correcting Learner Misconceptions (4.36 min)

Alan Turpin, a Davis District teacher, demonstrates identifying and correcting learner misconceptions through formative assessment.

Lisa Collier

Lisa Collier
Jessica Kempter

Jessica Kempter
Celia Larson

Celia Larson
Sharon McGarry

Sharon McGarry
Nicholis Pappas

Nicholis Pappas
Kayli Wakefield

Kayli Wakefield
Erica Williams

Erica Williams
Deanna Wilson

Deanna Wilson
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