Student to Self Feedback
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Microcredential ID : 2657
0.5 USBE Credit


This microcredential represents educators' support of the growth mindset that students need to persevere through the learning process. The process of self-assessment provides students with the evidence that will help them to identify ways to improve their work or ways to set goals for further learning. Student goals should be explicit and are like a road map to improvement.

No standards provided.
How To Earn This Microcredential

To earn this 0.5 credit microcredential you will submit two different types of evidence from the list below to demonstrate your proficiency in supporting student to self feedback. You will also complete a short written or video reflective analysis. Click Earn This Microcredential to learn more!

A fee of $20.00 will be assessed once the microcredential is submitted for review.

The skills this microcredential represent go beyond occasionally having learners complete a self-assessment. Instead, this microcredential focuses on educators' ability to provide regular, ongoing opportunities for learners to reflect on learning objectives and success criteria, evaluate their own understanding and skill level, and make goals and plans to close that gap. Educators who earn this microcredential have students who: - continually assess what they need to know, what they don’t know and how to ask for the help to guide their learning - set goals that will propel them on their individual learning path - ask questions, volunteer to answer questions, model work, etc. - are able to further their curiosity of learning.

Important Terms

Specific, meaningful information about personal reflection and reactions to a task or assignment which is used as a basis for self-improvement.

Growth Mindset:

Positive beliefs about the ability to learn

Fixed Mindset:

The belief that the ability to learn cannot be changed

Learning Intentions:

A statement, created by the teacher, that describes clearly what the teacher wants the students to know, understand, and be able to do as a result of learning and teaching activities. Clear learning intentions should help students focus not just on the task or activity taking place but on what they are learning.

Success Criteria:

These statements are linked to learning intentions. They are developed by the teacher and/or the student and describe what success looks like. They help the teacher and student to make judgments about the quality of student learning.

Background Scenario / How This Will Help You

As Mr. Jones observes his students in class working on an assignment, he notices one student clearly frustrated, with with his head on his desk; another student with her assignment completed twirls her pencil idly, waiting for the lesson to end. Mr. Jones realizes his students need to reflect on what they know, what they don’t know, and how they can attack the next step to their learning. He immediately begins implementing self-assessment and reflection opportunities throughout his instruction, connecting them to clear learning intentions, success criteria, and immediate feedback.

Evidence Options
Be sure to submit the type and number of pieces of evidence specified below.
Category: Preparation and Planning

Select ONE of the evidence options below to demonstrate your preparation and planning for student to self feedback to support learning.

Lesson Plan:

Submit two well-developed lesson plans demonstrating you use opportunities for student to self feedback to support learning. Each lesson plan should include at least two of the following: structure and opportunity for student self-assessment; reflection on learning intentions and success criteria; goal-setting and planning to close the gap between current and target performance. These lesson plasn should include all phases of instruction, including learning standards, learning outcomes, instructional materials, instructional activities, and assessment techniques. In a separate section, include citations for research supporting your instructional approach. (See the resources section for examples to cite.)

Category: Implementation

Select ONE of the evidence options below to demonstrate your effective implementation of student to self feedback to support learning.


Record and submit a 5 to 10-minute video of your instruction demonstrating how you teach and support student to self feedback. This should include at least two of the following: structure and opportunity for student self-assessment; reflection on learning intentions and success criteria; goal-setting and planning to close the gap between current and target performance. Be sure to follow your district/charter guidelines for student privacy.

Student Work:

Submit 3-5 samples of learner work on which student to self feedback was generated and acted upon. Include work from both before and afterwards to demonstrate the effect of the student to self feedback. Be sure to follow your district/charter guidelines for student privacy.

Review Criteria

Criterion 1: Evidence demonstrates that students are given opportunities to self-reflect, discuss their learning with a partner and/or teacher, and apply the feedback they receive.

Criterion 2: Evidence demonstrates opportunities for student reflection and action.

Reflection Prompts

Describe how you teach and support student self-reflection and goal-setting.

Explain how your support of learner self-reflection enhances learning.

Reflect on an aspect of your current practice with student self-reflection that could be made even stronger. What steps will you take, and what resources or supports will you need to access?

Review Criteria

Criterion 1: The reflection demonstrates a process of student self-assessment and goal-setting.

Criterion 2: The reflection explains how student to self feedback enhances learning.

Criterion 3: The reflection demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and improvement.

Mastering Self-Assessment: Deepening independent learning through the arts.

This video shares how teachers can help their students learn vocabulary to assess their work.

Self-Assessment: Reflection from students and teachers. (5:45)

Tips to help teachers incorporate student self-assessment using a rubric focused on success criteria.

Quality Evidence Rubrics (4:45)

Video showing a teacher using a rubric and how students assess themselves

Students Self-Assess Their Way to Learning. "Students ask themselves, where am I, where am I going, and where am I now." J. Zubrzycki. Education Week, July 28, 2018, Vol. 35, Issue 12, Page s1.2

Student Self-Assessment – Brief overview.

Student Self-Assessment: The Key to Stronger Student Motivation and Higher Achievement

Research article

Student Self-Assessment

Research article

Valerie Bodily

Valerie Bodily
Kayli Wakefield

Kayli Wakefield
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